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Behaving, contemplating, understanding

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A friend in Program says:

One of the better-known Eastern faiths reduces its daily practice to three fundamentals. We might call these behaving, contemplating, and understanding.

"Behaving" is our Step 10. The good conduct that we have learned since coming into Program starts to become a habit, a focus of daily, continuous inventory, a watching of ourselves and what we do on a constant basis.

"Contemplating" is our Step 11. Through prayer and meditation, we come to see the overarching importance of God as we understand God and the corresponding lack of importance of our own wills.

And "understanding" is our Step 12. The spiritual experience we have had as the result of working the first eleven Steps enables us to understand that our resolve should be to carry the message to others and simultaneously live that message in our daily lives. And we also come to understand that that is all we understand and all we need to understand.

"The spiritual life is never one of achievement:
it is always one of letting go."

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